How can we help?
Nevin Lenne Gross works with many different people and industry sectors in our region. We offer a wide range of legal services. We can help if:
You are injured and need help with personal injury compensation;
You have been in a transport accident and have been injured;
You have been injured at work;
You have been unfairly or wrongfully dismissed from your employment;
You have family law matters, including property settlement, divorce and children matters;
You are buying or selling a property or business;
You need a Will or Power of Attorney;
You are an executor of a Will and need assistance with probate;
You are a beneficiary or have a potential claim on an estate;
You are entering into a lease;
You have a commercial dispute.
The firm came into existence over 50 years ago. We are proud to have such a long history in North East Victoria. Many of our clients are generational clients of the firm who appreciate our commitments in providing professional face-to-face legal service. We show the same commitment to our new clients.
Paul Gatto, Veronica Haccou, Helen Collins Belinda Fenn, Rebecca Healy; Directors & Principals and Kerrie Young; Director & Practice Manager work closely together to lead the firm into the future. Their predecessor Peter Lenne remains a part of Nevin Lenne Gross as a consultant.
Charging and billing
We know our clients’ money is hard earned and appreciate the financial difficulties that many clients face. For this reason we offer some unique financial assistance for our clients, including:
Free first consultation on most new matters
‘No Win No Fee’* conditional cost agreement on personal injury matters
In some cases delayed payment of out of pocket expenses can be arranged
Current union members with a personal injury matter may defer payments of disbursements until completion of their matter
For other matters we charge by the hour or a set fee per service. We provide you with a clear explanation on our fee structure from the outset.
*Conditions apply
Working at the firm
Nevin Lenne Gross currently employs approximately 50 local people in our Myrtleford, Wangaratta, Shepparton, Wodonga, Bright and Mount Beauty offices and we are regularly expanding.
When positions within the firm become available, we advertise in local newspapers.
We are happy to discuss work experience opportunities for local tertiary law students. We understand people build strong connections to the communities they grew up in, often wishing to return after gaining experience elsewhere.
We value our staff and provide opportunities for our staff to advance their legal careers within the workplace. A few of our staff members have been working at the firm for decades. We are proud of the loyalty from our staff. We are also proud to have supported some staff with tertiary legal education and admission to legal practice.
Safe custody documents
Our firm provides our clients with secure and confidential storage of their important legal documents such as wills, powers of attorney, certificates of title and deeds. These documents are stored in our fire proof safe and are recorded in our register of documents held in safe custody. The safe custody register records when the deeds are deposited and the particulars of the deeds. If the deeds are released the details of when and who the documents are released to are also recorded.
These deeds are the property of our clients. We only release a client’s documents to our client, or other party on our client’s authority or as provided by law. Prior to release, we require verification of identity.